MAVSG Launches its Fundraising Pack

We receive no government funding and rely on donations to support our work.

If you would like to help support us please consider making a donation or fundraising for us.

To make a donation we accept cheques made payable to Merseyside Asbestos Victims Support Group, or click on the ‘Make a Donation’ button (at the top right of this page!).

If you would like to Fundraise for us, take a look at our fundraising pack below full of ideas and resources that you can use to ensure that you fundraising activity is as successful as possible.

Fundraising Checklist

Fundraising Poster

A-Z of Fundraising Ideas

Order your Fundraising Materials

Press Release Template

Sponsorship Form

Let us know what you are doing to help us raise funds and we will try to publicise your efforts (and results) to the Merseyside Asbestos Vicitims Support Group community.

Good Luck!

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