Action Mesothelioma Day 2024

The sun was shining for our Action Mesothelioma Day event this year.

We’d like to say thank you to all of those who joined us, and for those who couldn’t make it on the day but generously donated. All proceeds from the event will go to fund the Hen’s Egg Research Program being run at the University of Liverpool, which is dedicated to finding new and effective treatments for Mesothelioma.

We were lucky enough to be joined by Dr Niall Kenneth, of the aforementioned research program at the University of Liverpool and Darren Evans of Airborne Environmental Services Ltd, both of whom gave fascinating talks on their respective subjects.

Special thanks must also go to civic dignitary in attendance Deputy Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Barbara Murray. She kindly attended our event, and is pictured here, with another individual, to whom we owe a debt of thanks, MAVSG supporter Dean Thomas. We were delighted to present him with an award for his outstanding fundraising this year.

Last but not least many thanks must also go to our volunteers who made the day what it was, especially Sue for overseeing the raffle and Chris for taking care of the technical side of the event, and all of the wonderful photography.

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